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Maturity Progress

For maturity in accessibility and inclusion it is insufficient to make individual products in an organizational silo accessible. It is of critical importance that an organization establish repeatable internal processes and methods for ensuring accessibility in the short and long term.

After performing a Gap-Analysis, organizations require a solid maturity modeling-based strategic approach to achieve and retain compliance, and communicate efforts internally as well as externally.

It helps organizations understand how to mature in accessibility more holistically, and explore approaches to mitigate challenges through policy and maturity to more fully address accessibility guidelines such as WCAG.

So we build a Design For All Platform!

Accessibility is a program, not a project!

Monitoring Accessibility Maturity Progress

Design For All Platform

For establishing repeatable internal processes and methods, Funka Max developed a solid methodology with associated toolbox to work on the organization’s maturity in accessibility and inclusion.

The methodology offers a dashboard with the overall maturity score, sub-scores for conformance of the process standards EN 17161 and ISO 30071-1, executive overview, and more.

The Design For All Platform is where all effort is being collected and monitored to provide the insight you need as an organization to become EN 17161 Certified and ISO 3001-1 Ready, helping to comply with e.g.: the European Accessibility Act (EAA), the Web Accessibility Directive (WAD), Section 508, and more.

Digital Accessibility Dashboard contents


Responsibilities and documentation embedding accessibility.

  • Contents of Policy
  • Creating Accessibility Goals
  • Roles & Responsibilities
  • Checkpoints to Monitor

System Life Cycle

Embedding accessibility within the Development Life Cycle.

  • Taking accessibility into account
  • Justifiable Decisions
  • Assuring in Life Cycle
  • Logs and Statements


Activities in system development or procurement.

  • Potential Users
  • Goals, Tasks, Needs
  • Requirements, Approach
  • Communication

Directing Accessibility Maturity

Over the past two decades the world has seen an increasingly digitalised society. Now, about 40% of people are not able to participate and enjoy on an equal basis, or not at all, leaving them behind.

What if I tell you together we can bridge the gaps for inclusiveness and accessibility.

The figures haven’t improved much in the last decade, do you have any idea why?

Amongst many reasons this is happening is a consistent lack of quality in awareness, knowledge, skills, communication, designs, websites, apps, and marketing.

Man bridging the gap by climbing a large ladder between mountains

From Must to Management

“Directing accessibility in an organization requires commitment and executive support. Change will take time and progress will be a step-by-step process.

Together we can bring it from a must to management by focussing on those processes and finding opportunities to improve.

With decades of experience in this field together with your help we can make this program a reality.”

Jake Abma
Founder and CPO