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Our logo “The Seed of Life” and what it stands for

The Vitruvian Man form Leonardo da Vinci in The Flower of Life

The Seed of Life holds a universal significance as a representation of creation.

Embedded within the Flower of Life, an ancient symbol, lies a comprehensive cosmology of consciousness encoded within this singular geometric seed. Its name alone provides immediate insight into its profound meaning and purpose.

Creating a balanced world where accessibility and inclusiveness prevail lies at the core of Funka Max

Ancient Symbol

The Seed of Life has existed for at least 6.000 years, captivating the minds and imaginations of holy men, philosophers, and scientists across different civilizations, from Egypt to India, Greece to Italy, until the modern era.

Great minds like Leonardo Da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Pythagoras, and Nikola Tesla were captivated by this symbol and spent their whole life trying to uncover one of the oldest symbols in human history.

The 8th Principle “Care”

“The Seed of Life” logo of Funka Max

The general Principles of Natural Law are expressed through 7 basic underlying principles plus an 8th, or hidden, principle. Which is an all and encompassing principle also referred to as ‘ the lost principle’.

It’s the 8th, or last principle, and it’s the thing that has to be present in order for any change to manifest itself.

Change is what we strive for at Funka Max: change in processes as well as the culture of the organization itself.

It’s the generative principle that governs creation, which is the causal factor that goes into effect and generates the result we say we want.

But what is the real term for it? Most people would say it’s ‘Love,’ but the generative principle is ‘Care.’ This is different from compassion or love.

Care generates your experience!

  • What are you giving attention to and helping to grow?
  • What are you focusing on?

For Funka Max Care equals Equality and an inclusive world for everyone without any exception; all colors matter!

Because what you’re focussing upon is what ultimately gets generated, created, and growing.

The 8th Principle

Natural Law is expressed through 7 basic underlying principles, plus an 8th principle which binds the other 7 together, the “Care” principle.

These principles constitute a master key through which universal wisdom is unveiled, including the requirements to obtain what we desire.

How it works

The 8th Principle, The Heart (care), Mind (knowledge), Guts (action)

The “lost” principle is the dynamic of “Care”. What we care about on a day-to-day basis acts as a driving force of our thoughts and actions. Therefore, Care can be seen as the ultimate generator of the quality of our experience.

The principle has often been referred to as the Generative Principle. The word generative is derived from the Latin verb ‘genere’, which means “to create”

What do we need to develop: The Heart, Mind, Guts, in that order, but Care comes first. You need to care enough to know, to develop the knowledge. Then you’ve got to act on it and put it into practice, apply it. So that is the order, The Heart (care), Mind (knowledge), Guts (action), those are the steps.

All three of those have to be in place, that’s what Unity Consciousness is. It’s unifying emotions and actions, the three aspects of consciousness.

What we say, What we think, How we feel, How we act, that is the unity consciousness.

The Seven Principles of Natural Law

The 7 Pinciples of Natural Law

Natural law is expressed through seven basic principles, called the Hermetic Principles. These seven principles explain the basic laws that apply to all creation.

Creating a solid strategic approach is what Funka Max holds as a fundamental key for success.

Once you learn to use the universal laws, you will hold the key to the art of mental transmutation. The 8th principle which binds the other seven together and is ‘Care’

The source of the Hermetic Principles is the sage Hermes Trismegistus. In ancient Greece, Hermes was considered a messenger of the gods. He brought the wisdom of the gods down to humanity. In ancient Egypt, he was known as Thoth, the scribe of the gods.

  1. The Principle of Mentalism
  2. The Principle of Correspondence
  3. The Principle of Vibration
  4. The Principle of Polarity
  5. The Principle of Rhythm
  6. The Principle of Cause and Effect
  7. The Principle of Gender

All principles must be in balance in order to thrive and being able to Care.

Geometric Figure

Flower of Life with the Seed of Life inside of it

The Flower of Life, an ancient geometric figure, is now known as a contemporary name. It comprises seven circles that overlap with each other, all having the same diameter.

Within the seventh circle, six smaller circles are evenly spaced, while twelve larger circles surround the entire figure, resulting in a rosette with eighteen lens-shaped petals.

At the core of the Seed of Life lies the Seed of Life, which holds great significance in sacred geometry. Circles symbolize cycles and encompass various aspects

In this context, the seven circles are often associated with The Seven Principles of Natural Law also known as the seven Hermetic principles but also with the seven days of creation, with each circle representing a different stage in the universe’s formation.

The overlapping of these circles signifies the interconnectedness of these events, illustrating that they are not isolated occurrences but rather intricately linked, building upon one another.

Organizational Opportunity

Overall, adopting EN 17161 and ISO 30071-1 guidelines in digital accessibility can provide organizations with a range of benefits, from increased compliance and audience reach to improved reputation and user experience.

It is an essential step toward creating an inclusive digital presence that serves all users, regardless of their abilities.

At Funka Max, we are absolutely dedicated to helping organizations reach their goals using the best frameworks there are: EN 17161 and ISO 30071-1

Organizations should always keep their users in mind