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Create Organizational Awareness

Being truly aware of what accessibility and inclusiveness mean, what the landscape looks like, and how it can benefit your organization in multiple ways is a precondition for improvement.

We have the capability to provide the guidance needed to make organizations aware by informing them about the importance, explaining the different needs of different people, showing the benefits, and focusing on people, tools, and processes.

The creation of awareness is an ongoing process where everyone in an organization has its role and responsibility, no one excepted.

This provides a clear WHY for accessibility and inclusivity, and together with a Gap-Analysis (the HOW) decide the WHAT to embed all successfully.

Man with prosthetic leg climbing a difficult rock formation with text: “Are you aware of the road ahead?”

Organizational Insights & Creation

Why accessibility is important

person using a braille device in combination with a laptop
  • 40% of people need accessible digital solutions
  • It affects most people in their lifetime, and family plus friends
  • The number of people with accessibility needs is growing
  • User expectations are high
  • For employees as important as for customers

More than just websites

a compass showing the needle pointing  to text quality
  • Skills for accessibility are increasingly in demand
  • The new quality standard
  • Reputation and competition
  • The legal pressure
  • Prevention instead of cure

Expand Awareness

Provide insights

A hand holding a light bulb with text in the background "Insights"
  • Understanding Customer Needs
  • How People with Disabilities use sites and apps
  • Understand Scale and Importance
  • Current position and next steps


A woman with her hand on her heart and showing a victory sign
  • All roles make a difference
  • Teams Thinking
  • What can you do now
  • Power of Communication
  • Comfortable Atmosphere

Embed in Organization

The People

Different people standing next to each other with a person in a wheelchair in front
  • Inspire Staff
  • Expanding Thinking
  • Onboarding People
  • Senior Leaders
  • Product Owners
  • Design, UX, and Developers
  • Communication

Tools and Processes

Swiss army knife with Funka Max logo
  • Bespoke Policies and Plan
  • The Accessibility Journey
  • Assess Organizational Goals
  • Development Life Cycle
  • Tools
  • Support

Organizational Accessibility Awareness

Being aware of the needs of people with disabilities and the elderly and how they use digital products is a good start to becoming more inclusive.

But what does that mean for your organization? What benefits and insights do you need to gain? Who and how should employees be involved? And what changes do you need to implement to transform successfully?

What are the organizational challenges?

The fundamental themes of accessibility awareness remain unchanged:

  1. Grasp Understanding and Barriers you encounter
  2. Operational Gains and Applied Comprehension
  3. Embedding Changes for Processes and Employees
A young businessman is holding a whiteboard showing the text “How to Gain Organizational Awareness”.

We help to focus on accessibility barriers

“While there are many diversity groups in the world today, people with disabilities is the only one with a dependency on information technology…and in particular, accessible information technology.

Without it, people with disabilities are confronted with barriers to the digital world, depriving them of access to employment, goods, services, entertainment, information, and other aspects of modern daily life that others take for granted.

Unfortunately, the progress towards eliminating these barriers is still too slow.”

Jeff Kline
Strategic Advisor